Grow sales and build loyalty with 1-1 email recommendations

Engage your customers at various stages of their journey, even when they're not on your site. Increase click-through and conversion rates with email campaigns enriched with hyper-personalized product and content recommendations.

Maximize revenue with highly personalized email content

Display unique products that match customer preferences

Engage customers at important milestones with relevant content

Boost traffic by nudging customers to return to your website

Enrich your email campaigns with personalized product suggestions

Drive engagement with personalized emails that generate real-time recommendations from our AI engine the moment the email is opened. 

Real-time recommendations

Dynamically generate email recommendations at open, ensuring products displayed are in stock and email prices match website prices.

Reconnect with customers

Leverage product recommendations in newsletters, re-activation emails, cart abandonment emails, and post-purchase emails.

All new email campaign opportunities

Inspire new 1-1 campaigns based on personalized products and content for each individual visitor, such as ‘Selected for you’, or ‘You might like this.’

Full recommendations experience

Provide a seamless experience between emails, site and search with the same AI engine powering recommendations.

The right products to the right customers with a powerful AI engine

Leverage your product catalog, and track the click and purchase behavior with an easy-to- integrate tracking code.
Set up recommendations in any ESP, by integrating our code snippet into your email.
Product and content recommendations are calculated and displayed in milliseconds as soon as the customer opens the email.
Configure and optimize your emails based on your target KPIs.
Send personalized emails that re-engage customers to grow sales and boost your email revenue

Higher Click Rate on Newsletter by 85% boosts click rate on newsletter through personalized, category-related product recommendations